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Single Post  Topic: Punto Switcher 
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:58    Post subject: Reply with quote

Перейду, однако, на скрипт AHK.

Добавлено спустя 20 минут:

Нашел кое-что, не проверял.

Изменяем текущую раскладку нажатием правой Ctrl
 $~RControl up::LangSwitch(2)

 LangSwitch( iKeyDownUp=0 )
 static tickLast
 { tickLast=%A_TickCount%
 If( A_TickCount-tickLast>200 )

 HKL:=DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", "uint",GetThreadOfWindow(), "uint")

 VarSetCapacity( HKLlist, HKLnum*4, 0 )
 { if( NumGet( HKLlist, (A_Index-1)*4 ) = HKL )
 { HKL:=NumGet( HKLlist, mod(A_Index,HKLnum)*4 )

 ;show traytip
 VarSetCapacity( sKbd, 260, 0 )
 VarSetCapacity( sCountry, 260, 0 )
 DllCall("GetLocaleInfo","uint",HKL>>16,"uint",LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, "str",sKbd, "uint",260)
 DllCall("GetLocaleInfo","uint",HKL & 0xFFFF,"uint",LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY, "str",sCountry, "uint",260)
 SetTimer,REMOVE_TOOLTIP,500 ;0.5 second

 ;returns first thread for the ;sets optional to pipe | separated thread list for the GetProcessThreadOrList( processID, byRef list="" )
 THREADENTRY32_cntUsage = 4 ;DWORD
 THREADENTRY32_th32ThreadID = 8 ;DWORD
 THREADENTRY32_th32OwnerProcessID = 12 ;DWORD
 THREADENTRY32_tpBasePri = 16 ;LONG
 THREADENTRY32_tpDeltaPri = 20 ;LONG
 THREADENTRY32_dwFlags = 24 ;DWORD


 hProcessSnap := DllCall("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot","uint",TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, "uint",0)
 ifEqual,hProcessSnap,-1, return

 VarSetCapacity( thE, THREADENTRY32_SIZEOF, 0 )


 if( DllCall("Thread32First","uint",hProcessSnap, "uint",&thE ))
 if( NumGet( thE ) >= THREADENTRY32_th32OwnerProcessID + 4)
 if( NumGet( thE, THREADENTRY32_th32OwnerProcessID ) = processID )
 { th := NumGet( thE, THREADENTRY32_th32ThreadID )
 list .= th "|"
 if( DllCall("Thread32Next","uint",hProcessSnap, "uint",&thE )=0)

 return ret

 ; Returns thread owning specified window handle
 ; default = Active window
 GetThreadOfWindow( hWnd=0 )
 DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "uint",hWnd, "uintp",id)
 GetProcessThreadOrList( id, threads )
 return 0
 { NumPut( hWnd, lParam )
 DllCall("EnumThreadWindows", "uint",A_LoopField, "uint",CB, "uint",&lParam)
 if( NumGet( lParam )=true )
 { lRet:=A_LoopField
 DllCall("GlobalFree", "uint", CB)
 return lRet

 GetThreadOfWindowCallBack( hWnd, lParam )
 IfNotEqual,hWnd,% NumGet( 0+lParam )
 return true
 NumPut( true, 0+lParam )
 return 0

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