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ExifToolWDX 1.04

ExifTool is a powerful tool. It read a lot of images informations. I got the idea from my last plugin, MediaInfoWDX.
Using it as template, to create this plugin to connect to ExifTool to pull the informations. After the first info query,
ExifTool will be remain in the memory, until TotalCMD is closed. If TotalCMD is closed unexpected, ExifTool will be
need to be ended in Task Manager.

ExifTool can update the tag values, So the incorrect tags can cause the tag value lost.

Категория: Контентные плагины
Статус: Freeware
Автор: Chao Liu
Добавлен: 14.06.2015
Обновлен: 11.12.2016
Количество скачиваний: 12586

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Идея, программирование, дизайн и поддержка, © Andrei Piasetski