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System Volume Information Eliminator 1.1

NOTICE! The plugin has been temporarily removed due to antivirus detects.

The "System Volume Information" directories in the roots of NTFS partitions
are used by several OS features, like System Restore, Indexing, etc...!

Since XP SP2 they are recreated on each boot and maybe other occasions as
well. This patcher removes this annoyance by overwriting the string
"System Volume Information" in ntoskrnl.exe!

Please make sure that you have disabled all programs and services which
rely on these directories and which are accessing them and especially that
you don't need the data contained in them anymore!

Категория: Прочие файлы
Статус: freeware
Автор: Icfu
Добавлен: 23.09.2006
Обновлен: 26.09.2006
Количество скачиваний: 19743

System Volume Information Eliminator

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Все о Total Commander © 2001-2012
Идея, программирование, дизайн и поддержка, © Andrei Piasetski