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Extended English Menus v8.11.02

Extended menu file for Total Commander v11.01 or newer including virtually (almost*) all internal commands in meaningful categories and sub-categories.

This menu file was released at TC v11.02 release point to incorporate the additions since v10.50.
I'm labeling this menu file release against v11.02 where no new ICs are introduced since v11.01 since for the latter I hadn't post an update before.
The Complementary folder has been discontinued this version on.

* Excludes duplicated commands that apply individually on the right and left file panels and customizable commands where user interpretation is needed. A sample layout is present only as a starting point for your needs.

Категория: Языковые файлы и меню
Статус: freeware
Автор: Panos Davitidis
Добавлен: 20.03.2004
Обновлен: 10.11.2023
Количество скачиваний: 27283

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Все о Total Commander © 2001-2012
Идея, программирование, дизайн и поддержка, © Andrei Piasetski