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Расширения MultiArc | Расширения Far2wc | Утилиты | Языковые файлы и меню
Иконки | Разработчикам плагинов | Прочее | Windows PowerPro

Command-line Compression Utilities 1.0

Command-line compression utilities can be configured as external packers so that Total Commander can compress in other formats. Currently, Total Commander can compress in ARJ, LHZ, RAR, UC2, and ACE provided that these external packers are available. Please note that UC2 is disabled in Total Commander when running on 64-bit Windows. The last known version to have it enabled is [Total Commander 7.55](https://totalcommander.ch/win/old/tcmd755.exe).

All external packers are 32-bit ONLY except RAR, which is provided in 32-bit and 64-bit.
The latest LHA version that works on Windows 10 64-bit that I could find is 2.67.00 (unfortunately, I could only find it in Japanese). Files compressed with 2.67.00 are known not to be compatible with versions older than 2.13, which is why this older version is also available in the package.

* LHA is free and was obtained here: https://www.vector.co.jp/vpack/browse/person/an000224.html
* ARJ is free and was obtained here: http://arj.sourceforge.net/
* RAR and ACE are trial/shareware. They are free to distribute, but if you want to keep using them, you must register.
* UC2 is free and can be obtained from different links provided by it's author: https://www.nicodevries.com/professional/

If you want to pick just the one(s) you are interested in, the separate downloads are available here: https://gitlab.com/pplupo/total-commander/-/tree/master/packers

For suggestions or to report issues, please visit https://gitlab.com/pplupo/total-commander

To set it up, see the example in the screenshot below:

Категория: Утилиты
Статус: Free and Shareware
Автор: Peter Lupo
Добавлен: 18.06.2021
Обновлен: 18.06.2021
Количество скачиваний: 2466

Command-line Compression Utilities


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Все о Total Commander © 2001-2012
Идея, программирование, дизайн и поддержка, © Andrei Piasetski