Профиль участника WANG Aiyong
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GisViewer Lister plugin for Total Commander
1. What's this?
This is a lister plugin for Total Commander, to view ESRI shapefiles.
2. How to install?
For this to work, you need first to install .Net Framework (>=4.5.2), and .Net Interface 1.4 for Total Commander (only need to install once). Links is provied at the end.
Then install the plugin itself.
3. How to use?
Move the cursor to any of the collection files of a shapefile, view it like any other lister. It can properly tell if a file belongs to a shapefile or just a single file. So try giving this a high order at the lister list.
Accepted extensions: .shp, .shx, .prj, .dbf, .sbn, .sbx, .shp.xml
4. Contact
Email: wayangel@outlook.com
5. Links:
● GisViewer: https://github.com/gepcel/GisViewer
● Official website of .NET: https://www.microsoft.com/net
● Official website of .Net Interface 1.4 for Total Commander: https://sourceforge.net/projects/tcdotnetinterface/
● You can also download and install the interface from: https://github.com/gepcel/GisViewer
13711 KB - Автор: WANG Aiyong - Обновлен: 7.02.2024 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 5244