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Языковые файлы и меню / TC Languages
Extended Menus for Total Commander - Combined 32bit and 64bit:
* Download Menus for Windows 10 (22H2) / 11 64bit
* Download Menus for Windows 8.1 64bit
* Download Menus Windows 7 64bit version
Extended Menus for Total Commander - 64bit:
* Download Menus for Windows 10 (22H2) / 11 64bit
* Download Menus for Windows 8.1 64bit
* Download Menus for Windows 7 64bit
Extended Menus for Total Commander - 32bit:
* Download Menus for Windows 10 (22H2) / 11 64bit
* Download Menus for Windows 8.1 64bit
* Download Menus for Windows 8.1 32bit
* Download Menus for Windows 7 64bit
* Download Menus for Windows 7 32bit
* Download Menus for Windows XP 32bit
- 6475 KB - Обновлен: 6.01.2025 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 1901 Udvidede Menuer for Total Commander - Kombineret 32bit og 64bit:
* Download Menuer for Windows 10 (22H2) / 11 64bit
* Download Menuer for Windows 8.1 64bit
* Download Menuer Windows 7 64bit version
Udvidede Menuer for Total Commander - 64bit:
* Download Menuer for Windows 10 (22H2) / 11 64bit
* Download Menuer for Windows 8.1 64bit
* Download Menuer for Windows 7 64bit
Udvidede Menuer for Total Commander - 32bit:
* Download Menuer for Windows 10 (22H2) / 11 64bit
* Download Menuer for Windows 8.1 64bit
* Download Menuer for Windows 7 64bit
* Download Menuer for Windows 7 32bit
* Download Menuer for Windows XP 32bit
- 6568 KB - Обновлен: 6.01.2025 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 882 Dark Help files for Total Commander 11.50
Darkhelp has a white background in the left menu panel.
Darkhelp 2 has a dark background in the left menu panel, but
menu items has a white background.
It is unfortunately not possible to make the left menu panel background all
The TotalcmdDark.chm (English Dark Help) file has to be placed in
Total Commanders PROGRAM directory in order to work.
The Wcmd_deuDark.chm (German Dark Help) file AND the Wcmd_deu.chm
file both has to be placed in Total Commanders LANGUAGE directory in
order to work.
Download of DarkHelp 2
Discussion and new releases:
https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=58110 1808 KB - Обновлен: 6.01.2025 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 2572 Languagebar v. 1.21 for Total Commander 11.50
This buttonbar is mostly meant as an easy way for testers to switch
between different languages for Total Commander, and to have all current
available languages at their disposal.
The languagebar files are installed like any other Total Commander
addon, by double-clicking on the .zip file.
After installation just drag the file:
to Total Commanders buttonbar.
When clicking on the new button, a small menu bar opens up. You can
either have the Languages bar shown as a new Buttonbar by clicking the
first button, or you can have it shown as a Menu by clicking the second
The Return button in the Language buttonbar takes you back to Total
Commanders default.bar - if you are not using this file for your default
buttonbar, then edit line 4 in the the Language.bar file to point to
your default buttonbar.
There are two blank buttons meant for your custom Language/Menu file or
just your custom Menu file. You have to edit the Parameters field of
those two buttons to point to your actual files (change XXX).
The Languages button bar comes with all currently available languages
for Total Commander. Some of the languages are not (yet) updated to
version 11.00 of Total Commander - those languages are marked with an
asterisk (*).
All the languages are installed and opened from the Language\Extra
folder in Total Commanders program directory. Therefore they do not
show up in Total Commanders Language configuration dialog - unless the
same language file exists in Total Commanders Language directory. If
the language does not exist in the Language directory then "English"
will be marked as the current language.
The "Main menu file" field will show the correct path to the chosen .mnu
file in %COMMANDER_PATH%\Language\Extra\ though - hence give you a clue
that it is not the language file in the Language directory that is used,
but the one in the Language\Extra directory.
I have made it this way, to not interfere with the users present
language files, and to make it easy to "uninstall" the addon again.
Also you don't need to have installed the extra languages when you
originally installed Total Commander - they come with the Languagebar
To "uninstall" - just delete the %COMMANDER_PATH%\Language\Extra\
directory and delete the button in your buttonbar.
I have had to fix a single error in the file wcmd_mk.lng to make
it work correctly - otherwise all files are as they come from
Discussion and new releases:
https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=57594, 13160 KB - Обновлен: 6.01.2025 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 5080 Extended menu file for Total Commander v11.50 or newer including virtually (almost*) all internal commands in meaningful categories and sub-categories.
This menu file was released at TC v11.50 release point to incorporate the additions since v11.02.
* Excludes duplicated commands that apply individually on the right and left file panels and customizable commands where user interpretation is needed. A sample layout is present only as a starting point for your needs. 27 KB - Обновлен: 3.01.2025 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 27738 German translation with extended menu for TC 11.50
Deutsch mit erweitertem Menь fьr TC 11.50 56 KB - Обновлен: 18.10.2024 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 3639 Extended English Menus for COMBINED 32bit and 64bit installations of TC 10.51 under Windows 10 (21H2) 64bit
Just select: "English with Extended Menu I (or II) for TC 10.51 32/64bit under Windows 10 64bit" - then the correct menu will automatically be loaded regardless of whether you are running the 32bit or the 64bit version of TC.
Se more under:
Extended English Menus for TC 10.51 32bit - Windows 10 (21H2) 64bit version
Extended English Menus for TC 10.51 64bit - Windows 10 (21H2) 64bit version 6270 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 13767 Contents:
wcmd_win10amd64_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win10amd64_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for
TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in
the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate",
"Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows 10" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 10
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web
wcmd_win10amd64_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file
panels. wcmd_win10amd64_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like
Norton Commander).
wcmd_win10amd64_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win10amd64_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical
to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change
language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose
"English with Extended Menu I for TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 10 64bit" or
"English with Extended Menu II for TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 10 64bit" in
the language dialog.
wcmd_win10amd64_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win10amd64_2_eng.inc are slightly improved
versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win10amd64_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win10amd64_2_eng.ini are user command files
which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 10" and "Help" menu
entries among others.
wcmd_win10amd64_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same
programs as the "Windows 10" menu item together with a button bar that shows
all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can
switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 10".
wcmd_win10amd64_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons
for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wcmicon_win10amd64.dll,
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
3: Dark Help (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
4: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
5: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
6: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see
the icon.
7: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for
Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether
you want to overwrite them. 2924 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 14810 Contents:
wcmd_win10x86_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win10x86_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC
that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in
the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate",
"Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows 10" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 10
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web
wcmd_win10x86_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file
panels. wcmd_win10x86_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like
Norton Commander).
wcmd_win10x86_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win10x86_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to
TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change
language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose
"English with Extended Menu I for TC 10.51 32bit under Windows 10 64bit" or
"English with Extended Menu II for TC 10.51 32bit under Windows 10 64bit" in
the language dialog.
wcmd_win10x86_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win10x86_2_eng.inc are slightly improved
versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win10x86_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win10x86_2_eng.ini are user command files which
are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 10" and "Help" menu entries
among others.
wcmd_win10x86_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same
programs as the "Windows 10" menu item together with a button bar that shows
all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can
switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 10".
wcmd_win10x86_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for
Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wcmicon_win10x86.dll,
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
3: Dark Help (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
4: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
5: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
6: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see
the icon.
7: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for
Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether
you want to overwrite them. 2924 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 7144 Extended English Menus for COMBINED 32bit and 64bit installations of TC 10.51 under Windows 7 64bit
Just select: "English with Extended Menu I (or II) for TC 10.51 32/64bit under Windows 7 64bit" - then the correct menu will automatically be loaded regardless of whether you are running the 32bit or the 64bit version of TC.
Se more under:
Extended English Menus for TC 10.51 32bit - Windows 7 64bit version
Extended English Menus for TC 10.51 64bit - Windows 7 64bit version 6263 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 6823 Contents:
wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for
TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in
the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate",
"Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows 7" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 7
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web
wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file
panels. wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like
Norton Commander).
wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to
TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change
language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose
"English with Extended Menu I for TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 7 64bit" or
"English with Extended Menu II for TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 7 64bit" in the
language dialog.
wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.inc are slightly improved
versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.ini are user command files
which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 7" and "Help" menu
entries among others.
wcmd_win7amd64_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same
programs as the "Windows 7" menu item together with a button bar that shows
all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can
switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 7".
wcmd_win7amd64_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons
for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wcmicon_win7amd64.dll,
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
3: Dark Help (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
4: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
5: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
6: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see
the icon.
7: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for
Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether
you want to overwrite them. 2920 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 6377 Contents:
wcmd_win7x86_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win7x86_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC
that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in
the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate",
"Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows 7" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 7
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web
wcmd_win7x86_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file
panels. wcmd_win7x86_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like
Norton Commander).
wcmd_win7x86_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win7x86_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to
TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change
language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose
"English with Extended Menu I for TC 10.51 32bit under Windows 7 64bit" or
"English with Extended Menu II for TC 10.51 32bit under Windows 7 64bit" in the
language dialog.
wcmd_win7x86_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win7x86_2_eng.inc are slightly improved
versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win7x86_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win7x86_2_eng.ini are user command files which
are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 7" and "Help" menu entries
among others.
wcmd_win7x86_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same
programs as the "Windows 7" menu item together with a button bar that shows
all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can
switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 7".
wcmd_win7x86_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for
Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wcmicon_win7x86.dll,
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
3: Dark Help (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
4: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
5: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
6: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see
the icon.
7: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for
Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether
you want to overwrite them. 2920 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 5038 Contents:
wcmd_win7_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win7_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC
that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in
the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate",
"Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows 7" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 7
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web
wcmd_win7_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file
panels. wcmd_win7_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like
Norton Commander).
wcmd_win7_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win7_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to
TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change
language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose
"English with Extended Menu I for TC 10.51 32bit under Windows 7 32bit" or
"English with Extended Menu II for TC 10.51 32bit under Windows 7 32bit" in the
language dialog.
wcmd_win7_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win7_2_eng.inc are slightly improved
versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win7_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win7_2_eng.ini are user command files which
are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 7" and "Help" menu entries
among others.
wcmd_win7_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same
programs as the "Windows 7" menu item together with a button bar that shows
all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can
switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 7".
wcmd_win7_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for
Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wcmicon_win7.dll,
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: Dark Help (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
4: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
5: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
6: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see
the icon.
7: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for
Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether
you want to overwrite them. 2919 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 4367 Extended English Menus for COMBINED 32bit and 64bit installations of TC 10.51 under Windows 8.1 64bit
Just select: "English with Extended Menu I (or II) for TC 10.51 32/64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" - then the correct menu will automatically be loaded regardless of whether you are running the 32bit or the 64bit version of TC.
Se more under:
Extended English Menus for TC 10.51 32bit - Windows 8.1 64bit version
Extended English Menus for TC 10.51 64bit - Windows 8.1 64bit version 6258 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 4481 Contents:
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for
TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in
the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate",
"Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows 8.1" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 8.1
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file
panels. wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like
Norton Commander).
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical
to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change
language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose
"English with Extended Menu I for TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" or
"English with Extended Menu II for TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" in
the language dialog.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.inc are slightly improved
versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.ini are user command files
which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 8.1" and "Help" menu
entries among others.
wcmd_win81amd64_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same
programs as the "Windows 8.1" menu item together with a button bar that shows
all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can
switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 8.1".
wcmd_win81amd64_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons
for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wcmicon_win81amd64.dll,
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
3: Dark Help (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
4: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
5: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
6: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see
the icon.
7: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for
Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether
you want to overwrite them. 2917 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 4188 Contents:
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for
TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in
the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate",
"Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows 8.1" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 8.1
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file
panels. wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like
Norton Commander).
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical
to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change
language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose
"English with Extended Menu I for TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" or
"English with Extended Menu II for TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" in
the language dialog.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.inc are slightly improved
versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.ini are user command files
which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 8.1" and "Help" menu
entries among others.
wcmd_win81amd64_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same
programs as the "Windows 8.1" menu item together with a button bar that shows
all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can
switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 8.1".
wcmd_win81amd64_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons
for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wcmicon_win81amd64.dll,
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
3: Dark Help (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
4: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
5: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
6: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see
the icon.
7: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for
Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether
you want to overwrite them. 2918 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 3374 Contents:
wcmd_win81_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win81_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for
TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in
the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate",
"Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows 8.1" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 8.1
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web
wcmd_win81_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file
panels. wcmd_win81_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like
Norton Commander).
wcmd_win81_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win81_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical
to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change
language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose
"English with Extended Menu I for TC 10.51 32bit under Windows 8.1 32bit" or
"English with Extended Menu II for TC 10.51 32bit under Windows 8.1 32bit" in
the language dialog.
wcmd_win81_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win81_2_eng.inc are slightly improved
versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win81_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win81_2_eng.ini are user command files
which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 8.1" and "Help" menu
entries among others.
wcmd_win81_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same
programs as the "Windows 8.1" menu item together with a button bar that shows
all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can
switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 8.1".
wcmd_win81_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons
for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wcmicon_win81.dll,
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: Dark Help (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
4: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
5: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
6: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see
the icon.
7: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for
Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether
you want to overwrite them. 2917 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 3164 Contents:
wcmd_winxp_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_winxp_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC that
includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in the
menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate",
"Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows XP" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows XP
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web
wcmd_winxp_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file panels.
wcmd_winxp_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like Norton Commander).
wcmd_winxp_1_eng.lng and wcmd_winxp_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to TC's
internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change
language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose
"English with Extended Menu I for TC 10.51 32bit under Windows XP 32bit" or
"English with Extended Menu II for TC 10.51 32bit under Windows XP 32bit" in the
language dialog.
wcmd_winxp_1_eng.inc and wcmd_winxp_2_eng.inc are slightly improved versions of
the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_winxp_1_eng.ini and wcmd_winxp_2_eng.ini are user command files which are
necessary for the user commands in the "Windows XP" and "Help" menu entries
among others.
wcmd_winxp_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same
programs as the "Windows XP" menu item together with a button bar that shows
all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can
switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows XP".
wcmd_winxp_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for
Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wcmicon_winxp.dll,
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: Dark Help (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
4: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
5: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
6: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see
the icon.
7: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for
Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether
you want to overwrite them. 2905 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 3882 Udvidede Danske Menuer for KOMBINEREDE 32bit og 64bit installationer af TC 10.51 under Windows 10 (21H2) 64bit
Bare vжlg: "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I (eller II) for TC 10.51 32/64bit under Windows 10 64bit" - sе vil den korrekte menu automatisk blive indlжst uanset om du kшrer 32bit eller 64bit versionen af TC.
Se yderligere under:
Udvidede Danske Menuer for TC 10.51 (21H2) 32bit - Windows 10 64bit version
Udvidede Danske Menuer for TC 10.51 (21H2) 64bit - Windows 10 64bit version 6356 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 3007 Indhold:
wcmd_win10amd64_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win10amd64_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til
TC, som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at
bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus",
"Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et
"Windows 10" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres
med Windows 10 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander
relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win10amd64_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge
filpaneler. wcmd_win10amd64_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer
(ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win10amd64_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win10amd64_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de
seneste forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i
nжste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog
og menu pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for
TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 10 64bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for
TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 10 64bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win10amd64_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win10amd64_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste
forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win10amd64_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win10amd64_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer,
som bl.a. er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 10" og "Hjжlp"
wcmd_win10amd64_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme
programmer som "Windows 10" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de
interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte
imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 10" menupunktet.
wcmd_win10amd64_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere
udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wcmicon_win10amd64.dll,
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4: Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
5: Mшrk Hjжlp (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
6: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
7: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
8: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til
Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du
шnsker at overskrive dem. 2966 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 3083 Indhold:
wcmd_win10x86_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win10x86_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC,
som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at
bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus",
"Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et
"Windows 10" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres
med Windows 10 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander
relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win10x86_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge
filpaneler. wcmd_win10x86_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer
(ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win10x86_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win10x86_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste
forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste
version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu
pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 10.51
32bit under Windows 10 64bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 10.51
32bit under Windows 10 64bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win10x86_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win10x86_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer
af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win10x86_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win10x86_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a.
er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 10" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_win10x86_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme
programmer som "Windows 10" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de
interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte
imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 10" menupunktet.
wcmd_win10x86_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser
til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wcmicon_win10x86.dll,
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4: Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
5: Mшrk Hjжlp (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
6: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
7: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
8: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til
Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du
шnsker at overskrive dem. 2967 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 2761 Udvidede Danske Menuer for KOMBINEREDE 32bit og 64bit installationer af TC 10.51 under Windows 7 64bit
Bare vжlg: "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I (eller II) for TC 10.51 32/64bit under Win 7 64bit" - sе vil den korrekte menu automatisk blive indlжst uanset om du kшrer 32bit eller 64bit versionen af TC.
Se yderligere under:
Udvidede Danske Menuer for TC 10.51 32bit - Windows 7 64bit version
Udvidede Danske Menuer for TC 10.51 64bit - Windows 7 64bit version 6348 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 2734 Indhold:
wcmd_win7x86_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win7x86_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC,
som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at
bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus",
"Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et
"Windows 7" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres
med Windows 7 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander
relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win7x86_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge
filpaneler. wcmd_win7x86_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer
(ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win7x86_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win7x86_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste
forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste
version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu
pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 10.51
32bit under Windows 7 64bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 10.51
32bit under Windows 7 64bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win7x86_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win7x86_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer
af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win7x86_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win7x86_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a.
er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 7" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_win7x86_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme
programmer som "Windows 7" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de
interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte
imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 7" menupunktet.
wcmd_win7x86_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser
til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wcmicon_win7x86.dll,
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4: Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
5: Mшrk Hjжlp (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
6: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
7: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
8: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til
Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du
шnsker at overskrive dem. 2963 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 2971 Indhold:
wcmd_win7amd64_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win7amd64_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til
TC, som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at
bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus",
"Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et
"Windows 7" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres
med Windows 7 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander
relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win7amd64_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge
filpaneler. wcmd_win7amd64_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer
(ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win7amd64_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win7amd64_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de
seneste forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i
nжste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog
og menu pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for
TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 7 64bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for
TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 7 64bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win7amd64_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win7amd64_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste
forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win7amd64_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win7amd64_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer,
som bl.a. er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 7" og "Hjжlp"
wcmd_win7amd64_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme
programmer som "Windows 7" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de
interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte
imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 7" menupunktet.
wcmd_win7amd64_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere
udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wcmicon_win7amd64.dll,
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4: Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
5: Mшrk Hjжlp (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
6: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
7: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
8: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til
Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du
шnsker at overskrive dem. 2962 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 2600 Indhold:
wcmd_win7_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win7_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til
TC, som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at
bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus",
"Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et
"Windows 7" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres
med Windows 7 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander
relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win7_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge
filpaneler. wcmd_win7_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer
(ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win7_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win7_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de
seneste forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i
nжste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog
og menu pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for
TC 10.51 32bit under Windows 7 32bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for
TC 10.51 32bit under Windows 7 32bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win7_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win7_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste
forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win7_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win7_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer,
som bl.a. er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 7" og "Hjжlp"
wcmd_win7_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme
programmer som "Windows 7" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de
interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte
imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 7" menupunktet.
wcmd_win7_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere
udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wcmicon_win7.dll,
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4: Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
5: Mшrk Hjжlp (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
6: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
7: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
8: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til
Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du
шnsker at overskrive dem. 2961 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 2643 Udvidede Danske Menuer for KOMBINEREDE 32bit og 64bit installationer af TC 10.51 under Windows 8.1 64bit
Bare vжlg: "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I (eller II) for TC 10.51 32/64bit under Win 8.1 64bit" - sе vil den korrekte menu automatisk blive indlжst uanset om du kшrer 32bit eller 64bit versionen af TC.
Se yderligere under:
Udvidede Danske Menuer for TC 10.51 32bit - Windows 8.1 64bit version
Udvidede Danske Menuer for TC 10.51 64bit - Windows 8.1 64bit version 6342 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 2679 Indhold:
wcmd_win81amd64_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win81amd64_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til
TC, som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at
bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus",
"Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et
"Windows 8.1" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres
med Windows 8.1 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander
relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge
filpaneler. wcmd_win81amd64_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer
(ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win81amd64_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win81amd64_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de
seneste forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i
nжste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog
og menu pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for
TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for
TC 10.51 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win81amd64_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste
forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win81amd64_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer,
som bl.a. er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 8.1" og "Hjжlp"
wcmd_win81amd64_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme
programmer som "Windows 8.1" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de
interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte
imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 8.1" menupunktet.
wcmd_win81amd64_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere
udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wcmicon_win81amd64.dll,
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4: Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
5: Mшrk Hjжlp (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
6: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
7: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
8: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til
Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du
шnsker at overskrive dem. 2959 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 2546 Indhold:
wcmd_win81x86_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win81x86_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC,
som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at
bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus",
"Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et
"Windows 8.1" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres
med Windows 8.1 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander
relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win81x86_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge
filpaneler. wcmd_win81x86_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer
(ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win81x86_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win81x86_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste
forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste
version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu
pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 10.51
32bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 10.51
32bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win81x86_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win81x86_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer
af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win81x86_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win81x86_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a.
er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 8.1" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_win81x86_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme
programmer som "Windows 8.1" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de
interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte
imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 8.1" menupunktet.
wcmd_win81x86_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser
til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wcmicon_win81x86.dll,
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4: Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
5: Mшrk Hjжlp (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
6: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
7: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
8: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til
Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du
шnsker at overskrive dem. 2960 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 2596 Indhold:
wcmd_winxp_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_winxp_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC, som
indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at bruge
i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus",
"Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et
"Windows XP" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres
med Windows XP samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander
relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_winxp_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge
filpaneler. wcmd_winxp_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer
(ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_winxp_1_dan.lng og wcmd_winxp_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste
forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste
version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu
pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 10.51
32bit under Windows XP 32bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 10.51
32bit under Windows XP 32bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_winxp_1_dan.inc og wcmd_winxp_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer
af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_winxp_1_dan.ini og wcmd_winxp_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a.
er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows XP" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_winxp_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme
programmer som "Windows XP" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de
interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte
imellem knappanelerne via "Windows XP" menupunktet.
wcmd_winxp_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser
til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wcmicon_winxp.dll,
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4: Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
5: Mшrk Hjжlp (totalcmddark.chm, wcmd_deudark.chm).
6: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
7: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
8: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til
Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du
шnsker at overskrive dem. 2947 KB - Обновлен: 2.09.2022 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 2624 Compilation and update of previous and new Danish translations 173 KB - Обновлен: 6.08.2022 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 819 Первоначально эта русификация была, в основном, сборной солянкой, заимствовавшей из всех доступных источников лучшие терминологические находки. В дальнейшем в соавторстве с Вадимом Казаковым мы долго и упорно совершенствовали пакет, так что он стал заметно отличаться от существующих наборов языковых файлов и по концепции, и по составу. Особый упор при разработке делается на точность терминологии, соответствие реальной функциональности, а также на корректность и благозвучность фраз и терминов с точки зрения норм русского языка. Большое внимание уделяется и тому, чтобы все строки интерфейса помещались в отведённое место и не наезжали друг на друга.
На текущий момент данный пакет русификации - самый полный из всех существующих. В него входят:
• Файл интерфейса программы (WCMD_EXT_RUS.LNG).
• Файл расширенного русского меню (WCMD_EXT_RUS.MNU).
• Расширенный и исправленный перевод справки (в двух вариантах: WCMD_RUS.HLP и WCMD_RUS.CHM)
• Файл описаний внутренних команд (WCMD_EXT_RUS.INC).
• Дополненная история версий (Hist_rus.txt).
• Список стандартных клавиатурных сочетаний для всех инструментов Total Commander (Keyb_rus.txt).
Справка, входящая в комплект, - это не просто перевод английского файла справки, а исправленная и дополненная его редакция. В частности, в ней описаны дополнительные ключи wincmd.ini и wcx_ftp.ini, которые отсутствуют даже в оригинальной справке! (Эти ключи отмечены подчёркиваниями.) Кроме того, исправлено очень много фактических ошибок в описании функциональности программы, а также добавлены описания возможностей, не упомянутых в оригинальной справке (в основном информация бралась из истории версий).
Расширенное меню предназначается для быстрого доступа практически ко всем внутренним командам Total Commander, которые вообще могут присутствовать в меню. Оно может пригодиться также в качестве заготовки для тех, кто хочет создать собственное расширенное меню.
История версий также значительно расширена по сравнению с файлом из оригинального дистрибутива Total Commander. В русский вариант файла включены многие пункты, исключённые из английского файла в процессе разработки новых версий TC. Вместе с малозначимыми пунктами нередко исключались и важные, нигде более не документированные. Наш вариант файла истории устраняет эту несправедливость.
Файл Keyb_rus.txt описывает все клавиатурные сочетания для всех внутренних инструментов Total Commander (в английской версии присутствуют только сочетания для основного окна и командной строки). Файл будет весьма полезен тем, кто хочет использовать программу наиболее эффективно.
На некоторых форумах этот пакет русификации известен как "Русификация от CaptainFlint" и, судя по отзывам, многим пришёлся по душе.
Пакеты русификации к старым версиям Total Commander можно загрузить с домашней странички проекта:
Пакет с HLP-справкой загружается по ссылке:
Онлайн-версия справки доступна по адресу:
Справочные таблицы:
• Полный список команд
• Стандартные клавиатурные сочетания
• Все ключи (онлайн-версия файла данных Ultra TC Configuration Editor) 1192 KB - Обновлен: 14.11.2020 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 805033 Ausfuehrliche deutschsprachige Menuedatei (ohne Shortcuts) fuer Total Commander 9.5x. Es sind fast alle internen Kommandos der TOTALCMD.INC enthalten (siehe Kommentare in der MNU-Datei). Aenderungen erfolgen meinerseits nur dann, wenn sich etwas Nennenswertes in dieser Datei getan hat. Eine Installationsanleitung ist beigefuegt. - Es ist jedem freigestellt, Anpassungen fuer die eigenen Beduerfnisse vorzunehmen. 8 KB - Обновлен: 11.02.2020 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 21901 Composed by petermad in English and translated by yeskky@DRL/CCF in Chinese, any Chinese translation problem please contact Kufei: ageback#qq.com(Replace # with @).
Click the small & cropped image below to view the full screenshot.
Original English menu link:
http://totalcmd.net/plugring/win7x86_amd64_eng.html 1178 KB - Обновлен: 30.11.2016 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 3068 Extended English Menus for COMBINED 32bit and 64bit installations of TC 8.51 under Windows 7
Just select: "English with Extended Menu I (or II) for TC 8.51 32/64bit under Windows 7 64bit" - then the correct menu will automatically be loaded regardless of whether you are running the 32bit ot the 64bit version of TC.
Se more under:
Extended English Menus for TC 8.51 32bit - Windows 7 64bit version
Extended English Menus for TC 8.51 64bit - Windows 7 64bit version 1881 KB - Обновлен: 30.03.2015 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 4469 Udvidede Danske Menuer for KOMBINEREDE 32bit og 64bit installationer af TC 8.51 under Windows 7
Bare vжlg: "Dansk med Udvidet Menu (eller II) for TC 8.51 32/64bit under Win 7 64bit" - sе vil den korrekte menu automatisk blive indlжst uanset om du kшrer 32bit eller 64bit versionen af TC.
Se yderligere under:
Udvidede Danske Menuer for TC 8.51 32bit - Windows 7 64bit version
Udvidede Danske Menuer for TC 8.51 64bit - Windows 7 64bit version 1901 KB - Обновлен: 30.03.2015 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 3316 Extended English Menus for COMBINED 32bit and 64bit installations of TC 8.51 under Windows 8.1
Just select: "English with Extended Menu I (or II) for TC 8.51 32/64bit under Windows 8 64bit" - then the correct menu will automatically be loaded regardless of whether you are running the 32bit ot the 64bit version of TC.
Se more under:
Extended English Menus for TC 8.51 32bit - Windows 8 64bit version
Extended English Menus for TC 8.51 64bit - Windows 8 64bit version 1877 KB - Обновлен: 30.03.2015 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 3647 Udvidede Danske Menuer for KOMBINEREDE 32bit og 64bit installationer af TC 8.51 under Windows 8
Bare vжlg: "Dansk med Udvidet Menu (eller II) for TC 8.51 32/64bit under Win 8 64bit" - sе vil den korrekte menu automatisk blive indlжst uanset om du kшrer 32bit eller 64bit versionen af TC.
Se yderligere under:
Udvidede Danske Menuer for TC 8.51 32bit - Windows 8 64bit version
Udvidede Danske Menuer for TC 8.51 64bit - Windows 8 64bit version 1897 KB - Обновлен: 30.03.2015 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 2879 Extended English Menus for COMBINED 32bit and 64bit installations of TC 8.51 under Windows 8.1
Just select: "English with Extended Menu I (or II) for TC 8.51 32/64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" - then the correct menu will automatically be loaded regardless of whether you are running the 32bit ot the 64bit version of TC.
Se more under:
Extended English Menus for TC 8.51 32bit - Windows 8.1 64bit version
Extended English Menus for TC 8.51 64bit - Windows 8.1 64bit version 1877 KB - Обновлен: 30.03.2015 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 4424 Udvidede Danske Menuer for KOMBINEREDE 32bit og 64bit installationer af TC 8.51 under Windows 8.1
Bare vжlg: "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 8.51 32/64bit under Win 8.1 64bit" - sе vil den korrekte menu automatisk blive indlжst uanset om du kшrer 32bit eller 64bit version af TC.
Se yderligere under:
Udvidede Danske Menuer for TC 8.51 32bit - Windows 8.1 64bit version
Udvidede Danske Menuer for TC 8.51 64bit - Windows 8.1 64bit version 1897 KB - Обновлен: 30.03.2015 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 3324 Contents:
wcmd_win81_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win81_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for
TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in
the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate",
"Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows 8.1" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 8.1
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web
wcmd_win81_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file
panels. wcmd_win81_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like
Norton Commander).
wcmd_win81_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win81_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical
to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change
language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose
"English with Extended Menu I for TC 8.51 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" or
"English with Extended Menu II for TC 8.51 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" in
the language dialog.
wcmd_win81_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win81_2_eng.inc are slightly improved
versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win81_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win81_2_eng.ini are user command files
which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 8.1" and "Help" menu
entries among others.
wcmd_win81_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same
programs as the "Windows 8.1" menu item together with a button bar that shows
all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can
switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 8.1".
wcmd_win81_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons
for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
4: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
5: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see
the icon.
6: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for
Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether
you want to overwrite them. 938 KB - Обновлен: 17.01.2015 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 4122 Перевод интерфейса и меню на украинский язык 37 KB - Обновлен: 9.05.2014 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 9993 Indhold:
wcmd_win81amd64_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win81amd64_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC, som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus", "Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et "Windows 8.1" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres med Windows 8.1 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge filpaneler. wcmd_win81amd64_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer (ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win81amd64_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win81amd64_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 8.50 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 8.50 64bit under Win 8.1 64bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win81amd64_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win81amd64_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a. er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 8.1" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_win81amd64_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme programmer som "Windows 8.1" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 8.1" menupunktet.
wcmd_win81amd64_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4. Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp).
5: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
6: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
7: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se ikonet.
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du шnsker at overskrive dem. 949 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 3845 Indhold:
wcmd_win8amd64_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win8amd64_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC, som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus", "Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et "Windows 8" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres med Windows 8 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win8amd64_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge filpaneler. wcmd_win8amd64_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer (ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win8amd64_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win8amd64_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 8.50 64bit under Windows 8 64bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 8.50 64bit under Windows 8 64bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win8amd64_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win8amd64_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win8amd64_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win8amd64_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a. er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 8" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_win8amd64_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme programmer som "Windows 8" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 8" menupunktet.
wcmd_win8amd64_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4. Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp).
5: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
6: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
7: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se ikonet.
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du шnsker at overskrive dem. 950 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 3747 Contents:
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate", "Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is a "Windows 8.1" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 8.1 and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web pages.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file panels. wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like Norton Commander).
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose "English with Extended Menu I for TC 8.50 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" or "English with Extended Menu II for TC 8.50 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" in the language dialog.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.inc are slightly improved versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.ini are user command files which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 8.1" and "Help" menu entries among others.
wcmd_win81amd64_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same programs as the "Windows 8.1" menu item together with a button bar that shows all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 8.1".
wcmd_win81amd64_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
4: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
5: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see the icon.
6: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and wcmd_eng.inc).
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite them. 939 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 6835 Contents:
wcmd_win8amd64_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win8amd64_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate", "Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is a "Windows 8" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 8 and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web pages.
wcmd_win8amd64_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file panels. wcmd_win8amd64_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like Norton Commander).
wcmd_win8amd64_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win8amd64_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose "English with Extended Menu I for TC 8.50 64bit under Windows 8 64bit" or "English
with Extended Menu II for TC 8.50 64bit under Windows 8 64bit" in the language dialog.
wcmd_win8amd64_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win8amd64_2_eng.inc are slightly improved versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win8amd64_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win8amd64_2_eng.ini are user command files which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 8" and "Help" menu entries among others.
wcmd_win8amd64_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same programs as the "Windows 8" menu item together with a button bar that shows all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 8".
wcmd_win8amd64_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
4: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
5: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see the icon.
6: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and wcmd_eng.inc).
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite them. 940 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 5242 Contents:
wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate", "Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows 7" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 7 and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web pages.
wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file panels. wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like Norton Commander).
wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose "English with Extended Menu I for TC 8.50 64bit under Windows 7 64bit" or "English with Extended Menu II for TC 8.50 64bit under Windows 7 64bit" in the language dialog.
wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.inc are slightly improved versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.ini are user command files which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 7" and "Help" menu entries among others.
wcmd_win7amd64_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same programs as the "Windows 7" menu item together with a button bar that shows all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 7".
wcmd_win7amd64_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
4: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
5: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see the icon.
6: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and wcmd_eng.inc).
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite them. 941 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 11819 Indhold:
wcmd_win7amd64_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win7amd64_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC, som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus", "Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et "Windows 7" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres med Windows 7 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win7amd64_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge filpaneler. wcmd_win7amd64_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer (ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win7amd64_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win7amd64_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 8.50 64bit under Windows 7 64bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 8.50 64bit under Windows 7 64bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win7amd64_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win7amd64_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win7amd64_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win7amd64_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a. er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 7" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_win7amd64_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme programmer som "Windows 7" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 7" menupunktet.
wcmd_win7amd64_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4. Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp).
5: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
6: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
7: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se ikonet.
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du шnsker at overskrive dem. 951 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 5488 Contents:
wcmd_winxp_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_winxp_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC that
includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate", "Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is a "Windows XP" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows XP and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web pages.
wcmd_winxp_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file panels. wcmd_winxp_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like Norton Commander).
wcmd_winxp_1_eng.lng and wcmd_winxp_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose "English with Extended Menu I for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows XP 32bit" or "English with Extended Menu II for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows XP 32bit" in the language dialog.
wcmd_winxp_1_eng.inc and wcmd_winxp_2_eng.inc are slightly improved versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_winxp_1_eng.ini and wcmd_winxp_2_eng.ini are user command files which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows XP" and "Help" menu entries among others.
wcmd_winxp_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same programs as the "Windows XP" menu item together with a button bar that shows all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows XP".
wcmd_winxp_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
4: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
5: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see the icon.
6: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and wcmd_eng.inc).
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite them. 927 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 7797 Contents:
wcmd_win81x86_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win81x86_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate", "Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is a "Windows 8.1" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 8.1 and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web pages.
wcmd_win81x86_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file panels. wcmd_win81x86_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like Norton Commander).
wcmd_win81x86_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win81x86_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose "English with Extended Menu I for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" or "English with Extended Menu II for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" in the language dialog.
wcmd_win81x86_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win81x86_2_eng.inc are slightly improved versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win81x86_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win81x86_2_eng.ini are user command files which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 8.1" and "Help" menu entries among others.
wcmd_win81x86_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same programs as the "Windows 8.1" menu item together with a button bar that shows all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 8.1".
wcmd_win81x86_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
4: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
5: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see the icon.
6: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and wcmd_eng.inc).
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite them. 939 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 4664 Contents:
wcmd_win8x86_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win8x86_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate", "Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is a "Windows 8" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 8 and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web pages.
wcmd_win8x86_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file panels. wcmd_win8x86_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like Norton Commander).
wcmd_win8x86_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win8x86_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to changelanguage and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose "English with Extended Menu I for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows 8 64bit" or "English with Extended Menu II for TC 8.50 32bit under Windpws 8 64bit" in the language
wcmd_win8x86_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win8x86_2_eng.inc are slightly improved versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win8x86_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win8x86_2_eng.ini are user command files which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 8" and "Help" menu entries among others.
wcmd_win8x86_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same programs as the "Windows 8" menu item together with a button bar that shows all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 8".
wcmd_win8x86_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
4: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
5: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see the icon.
6: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and wcmd_eng.inc).
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite them. 939 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 5804 Contents:
wcmd_win7x86_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win7x86_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate", "Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is a "Windows 7" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 7 and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web pages.
wcmd_win7x86_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file panels. wcmd_win7x86_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like Norton Commander).
wcmd_win7x86_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win7x86_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose "English with Extended Menu I for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows 7 64bit" or "English with Extended Menu II for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows 7 64bit" in the language dialog.
wcmd_win7x86_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win7x86_2_eng.inc are slightly improved versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win7x86_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win7x86_2_eng.ini are user command files which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 7" and "Help" menu entries among others.
wcmd_win7x86_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same programs as the "Windows 7" menu item together with a button bar that shows all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 7".
wcmd_win7x86_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
4: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
5: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see the icon.
6: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and wcmd_eng.inc).
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite them. 941 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 8406 Contents:
wcmd_win7_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win7_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate", "Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is a "Windows 7" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 7
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web pages.
wcmd_win7_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file panels. wcmd_win7_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like Norton Commander).
wcmd_win7_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win7_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose "English with Extended Menu I for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows 7 32bit" or "English with Extended Menu II for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows 7 32bit" in the language dialog.
wcmd_win7_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win7_2_eng.inc are slightly improved versions of the original commands descriptions.
wcmd_win7_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win7_2_eng.ini are user command files which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 7" and "Help" menu entries among others.
wcmd_win7_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same programs as the "Windows 7" menu item together with a button bar that shows all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 7".
wcmd_win7_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
4: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
5: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see the icon.
6: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and wcmd_eng.inc).
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite them. 940 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 8097 Indhold:
wcmd_winxp_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_winxp_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC, som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus", "Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et "Windows XP" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres med Windows XP samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_winxp_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge filpaneler. wcmd_winxp_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer (ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_winxp_1_dan.lng og wcmd_winxp_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows XP 32bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows XP 32bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_winxp_1_dan.inc og wcmd_winxp_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_winxp_1_dan.ini og wcmd_winxp_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a. er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows XP" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_winxp_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme programmer som "Windows XP" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte imellem knappanelerne via "Windows XP" menupunktet.
wcmd_winxp_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4. Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp).
5: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
6: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
7: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se ikonet.
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du шnsker at overskrive dem. 937 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 4676 Indhold:
wcmd_win81x86_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win81x86_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC,som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus", "Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et "Windows 8.1" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres med Windows 8.1 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win81x86_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge filpaneler. wcmd_win81x86_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer (ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win81x86_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win81x86_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 8.50 32bit under Win 8.1 64bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 8.50 32bit under Win 8.1 64bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win81x86_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win81x86_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win81x86_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win81x86_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a. er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 8.1" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_win81x86_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme programmer som "Windows 8.1" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 8.1" menupunktet.
wcmd_win81x86_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4. Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp).
5: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
6: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
7: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se ikonet.
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du шnsker at overskrive dem. 949 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 3380 Indhold:
wcmd_win8x86_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win8x86_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC, som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus", "Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et "Windows 8" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres med Windows 8 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win8x86_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge filpaneler. wcmd_win8x86_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer (ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win8x86_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win8x86_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows 8 64bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows 8 64bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win8x86_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win8x86_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win8x86_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win8x86_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a. er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 8" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_win8x86_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme programmer som "Windows 8" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle deinterne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 8" menupunktet.
wcmd_win8x86_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4. Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp).
5: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
6: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
7: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se ikonet.
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du шnsker at overskrive dem. 949 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 3575 Indhold:
wcmd_win7x86_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win7x86_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC, som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus", "Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et "Windows 7" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres med Windows 7 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win7x86_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge filpaneler. wcmd_win7x86_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer (ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win7x86_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win7x86_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows 7 64bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows 7 64bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win7x86_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win7x86_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win7x86_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win7x86_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a. er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 7" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_win7x86_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme programmer som "Windows 7" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 7" menupunktet.
wcmd_win7x86_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4. Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp).
5: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
6: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
7: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se ikonet.
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du шnsker at overskrive dem. 951 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 4354 Indhold:
wcmd_win7_1_dan.mnu og wcmd_win7_2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC, som indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus", "Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et "Windows 7" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres med Windows 7 samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_win7_1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge filpaneler. wcmd_win7_2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer (ligesom Norton Commander).
wcmd_win7_1_dan.lng og wcmd_win7_2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste forbedringer af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu pе en gang med kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 8.50 32bit under Windows 7 32bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 8.50
32bit under Windows 7 32bit" i sprogopsжtningen.
wcmd_win7_1_dan.inc og wcmd_win7_2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_win7_1_dan.ini og wcmd_win7_2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a. er nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows 7" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_win7_dan\*.bar er en mappe med en rжkke knappaneler med de samme programmer som "Windows 7" menupunktet samt et knappanel, som viser alle de interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen. Du kan skifte imellem knappanelerne via "Windows 7" menupunktet.
wcmd_win7_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4. Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp).
5: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
6: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
7: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se ikonet.
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du шnsker at overskrive dem. 950 KB - Обновлен: 23.04.2014 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 4662 Deutsche Uebersetzung fuer das WFX-Plugin "System Events Ex". Die Benutzung und Anpassung fuer persoenliche Zwecke sind jedem freigestellt. 1 KB - Обновлен: 1.11.2013 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 3945 Пакет українізації для Total Commander
- Мовний файл інтерфейсу
- Мовний файл стандартного меню
- Мовний файл розширеного меню
- Опис внутрішніх команд
- Довідковий файл
- Історія версій
- Опис стандартних клавіатурних сполучень 871 KB - Обновлен: 8.12.2012 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 20152 Contents:
wcmd_ext1_eng.mnu and wcmd_ext2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for TC that
includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in the
menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate",
"Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows XP" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows XP
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web
wcmd_ext1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file panels.
wcmd_ext2_eng.mnU has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like Norton Commander).
wcmd_ext1_eng.lng and wcmd_ext2_eng.lng are (almost) identical to TC's internal
dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change language and
menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose "English with
Extended Menu I for TC 7.57 under Win XP 32bit" or "English with Extended Menu
II for TC 7.57 under Win XP 32bit" in the language dialog.
wcmd_ext1_eng.inc and wcmd_ext2_eng.inc are slightly improved versions of the
original commands descriptions.
wcmd_ext1_eng.ini and wcmd_ext2_eng.ini are user command files which are
necessary for the user commands in the "Windows XP" and "Help" menu entries
among others.
wcmd_ext1_eng.bar and wcmd_ext2_eng.bar are two button bars with the same
programs as the "Windows XP" menu item. wcmd_ext3_eng.bar is a button bar
that shows all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file.
You can switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows XP".
wcmd_ext_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons for
Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp).
3: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
4: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
5: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see
the icon.
6: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for
Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether
you want to overwrite them. 888 KB - Обновлен: 3.08.2012 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 18362 Indhold:
wcmd_ext1_dan.mnu og wcmd_ext2_dan.mnu er alternative menuer til TC, som
indeholder nжsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at bruge
i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Fokus",
"Lister", "Faner", "FTP", "Mapper" og "Diverse". Endvidere er der et
"Windows XP" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres
med Windows XP samt et udvidet "Hjжlp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander
relaterede hjemmesider.
wcmd_ext1_dan.mnu har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fжlles for begge filpaneler.
wcmd_ext2_dan.mnu har separate "Venstre"- og "Hшjre"-menuer (ligesom Norton
wcmd_ext1_dan.lng og wcmd_ext2_dan.lng indeholder altid de seneste forbedringer
af den danske oversжttelse - fшr de bliver officielle i nжste version af TC.
Brugen af disse to filer gшr det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu pе en gang med
kun et klik - bare vжlg "Dansk med Udvidet Menu I for TC 7.57 under Win XP
32bit" eller "Dansk med Udvidet Menu II for TC 7.57 under Win XP 32bit" i
wcmd_ext1_dan.inc og wcmd_ext2_dan.inc indeholder de seneste forbedringer af
TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
wcmd_ext1_dan.ini og wcmd_ext2_dan.ini er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a. er
nшdvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows XP" og "Hjжlp" menupunkterne.
wcmd_ext1_dan.bar og wcmd_ext2_dan.bar er to knappaneler med de samme
programmer som "Windows XP" menupunktet. wcmd_ext3_dan.bar er et knappanel,
som viser alle de interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i wcmicons.dll filen.
Du kan skifte imellem knappanelerne via "Windows XP" menupunktet.
wcmd_ext_dan.zip er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser
til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsжt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3: Dansk modul til USB-kabelindsжtningsnotifikation (tcusbrun.exe).
4. Engelsk Old Style hjжlp til TC (totalcmd.hlp).
5: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
6: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
7: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjжlp" -> "Installer udvidelser til
Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du
шnsker at overskrive dem. 898 KB - Обновлен: 3.08.2012 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 6359 Danish translation of various wlx plugins:
Imagine_1.0.9wip 54 KB - Обновлен: 3.06.2012 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 6007 Danish translation of various wfx plugins:
wfx_tcPhonebook_0934 45 KB - Обновлен: 3.06.2012 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 5821 Danish translation of various wdx plugins:
wdx_shareinfo_1.10 27 KB - Обновлен: 3.06.2012 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 6285 Danish translation of various wcx plugins:
wcx_blat_1.3.0.0 43 KB - Обновлен: 3.06.2012 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 5871 Danish translation of various TC tools:
SetFolderDate_1.4.0a (081114)
UniversalViewerPro_6.2.0 75 KB - Обновлен: 3.06.2012 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 6328 Русский язык для плагина Imagine v.1.0.8 9 KB - Обновлен: 27.09.2011 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 5401 Spanish package with modified menu + Extended commands ready to use in TC 7.55. You can find about 580 commands integrated in the menus against the current 95 commands by default in TC.
The commands in menus are composed by a mixture of built-in commands plus a large collection of extended commands (em_xyz).
Among others, you can find the commands categorized by: custom selections, custom filters, a dedicate menu to TC, quick folders, and many more.
Most of the extended commands (about 370) can be used without any external application, there are only a few dependent of external application for educational purposes. You can give a glance to they listing the file "Wcmd_XL_ESP.ini" or with the command cm_CommandBrowser. Descriptions are in Spanish, but the commands are very readable and can be useful to you for use in toolbar, hotlist, alias, etc.
This collection of em_commands were collected since 2006 thanks to the experience with TC and to the suggestion of several users.
Another extra additions can be found in the package; As toolbar with system folders, vbs functions for TC and a modified version of the Spanish language with many accelerators added.
Enjoy it!
Descripciуn en espaсol (Spanish Overview):
Menъs extendidos en Espaсol para TC 7.55
Paquete en espaсol con menъ modificado + comandos extendidos listos para usar en TC 7.55. Puedes encontrar sobre 570 comandos integrados en el menъ, en comparaciуn con los 95 comandos actuales que vienen por defecto en TC.
Los comandos en los menъs estб compuestos por una mezcla de comandos internos, mбs una larga colecciуn de comandos extendidos (em_xyz).
Entre otras cosas, puedes encontrar comandos categorizados por: selecciones personalizadas, filtros personalizados, un menъ dedicado a TC, acceso rбpido a directorios y mucho mбs.
La mayorнa de los comandos extendidos (sobre 370) pueden ser usados sin ninguna aplicaciуn externa, puedes encontrar unos pocos que dependen de aplicaciones externas para propуsitos educacionales. Estos comandos son fбciles de entender y pueden serte ъtiles para su uso en la barra de botones, marcadores, alias, etc.
Otras aсadidos extra pueden ser encontradas en este paquete: Tal como una barra de botones con directorios del sistema, funciones vbs para TC y una versiуn modificada del lenguaje espaсol con muchos aceleradores de teclado aсadidos.
Mбs info en espaсol 58 KB - Обновлен: 18.06.2010 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 6117 Unofficial Polish translation for Total Commander 7.5x contains completely rewritten language files (for interface, menus and commands) for upcoming Total Commander 7.55.
Nieoficjalne polskie tłumaczenie dla TC 7.5x
Pliki językowe dla wersji 7.55 aplikacji Total Commander. Zestaw zawiera tłumaczenie interfejsu aplikacji, jak i nowe menu oraz opis poleceń. 34 KB - Обновлен: 30.04.2010 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 5444 Русификация информационного плагина DirSizeCalc. К сожалению, включить её в дистрибутив самого плагина не удалось из-за разногласий с автором относительно используемых единиц измерения. 6 KB - Обновлен: 28.06.2009 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 6924 Пакет русификации Total Commander/CE, разработанного для работы под управлением Windows CE (карманные компьютеры).
В состав пакета входят:
1. Перевод интерфейса, максимально приближенный к переводу TotalCmd для PC, а также тщательно проверенный, чтобы строчки не обрезались из-за нехватки места на экране.
2. Перевод справки, по терминологии, разумеется, соответствующий переводу интерфейса.
3. Перевод истории версий. 19 KB - Обновлен: 15.09.2008 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 16084 Contents:
WCMD_EXT1_ENG.MNU and WCMD_EXT2_ENG.MNU are alternative menus for TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate", "Tabs", "FTP" and "Folders". Furthermore there is a "Windows XP" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows XP and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web pages.
WCMD_EXT1_ENG.MNU has a single "View" menu which is common to both file panels. WCMD_EXT2_ENG.MNU has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like Norton Commander).
WCMD_EXT1_ENG.LNG and WCMD_EXT2_ENG.LNG are (almost) identical to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose "English with extended menu 1 [by petermad]" or "English with extended menu 2 [by petermad]" in the language dialog.
WCMD_EXT1_ENG.INC and WCMD_EXT2_ENG.INC are slightly improved versions of the original commands descriptions.
WCMD_EXT1_ENG.INI and WCMD_EXT2_ENG.INI are user command files which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows XP" and "Help" menu entries among others.
WCMD_EXT1_ENG.BAR and WCMD_EXT2_ENG.BAR are two button bars with the same programs as the "Windows XP" menu item. WCMD_EXT3_ENG.BAR is a button bar that shows all the internal commands that has an icon in the WCMICONS.DLL file. You can switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows XP".
WCMD_EXT_ENG.ZIP is a self installing archive containing several Addons for Total Commander:
1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: HTML Help for TC (wcmd_eng.chm).
3: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
4: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
5: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see the icon.
You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite them.
Homepage 896 KB - Обновлен: 8.08.2008 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 25370 Indhold:
WCMD_EXT1_DAN.MNU og WCMD_EXT2_DAN.MNU er alternative menuer til TC, som indeholder næsten alle interne kommandoer, som det er meningsfyldt at bruge i menuen. Bl.a. separate menupunkter for "Filtrer", "Naviger", "Faner", "FTP" og "Mapper". Endvidere er der et "Windows XP" menupunkt, som indeholder de fleste programmer, der installeres med Windows XP samt et udvidet "Hjælp" menupunkt med links til Total Commander relaterede hjemmesider.
WCMD_EXT1_DAN.MNU har en enkelt "Vis"-menu, som er fælles for begge filpaneler. WCMD_EXT2_DAN.MNU har separate "Venstre"- og "Højre"-menuer (ligesom Norton Commander).
WCMD_EXT1_DAN.LNG og WCMD_EXT2_DAN.LNG indeholder altid de seneste forbedringer af den danske oversættelse - før de bliver officielle i næste version af TC. Brugen af disse to filer gør det nemt, at skifte sprog og menu på en gang med kun et klik - bare vælg "Dansk med udvidet menu 1 [af petermad]" eller "Dansk med udvidet menu 2 [af petermad]" i sprogopsætningen.
WCMD_EXT1_DAN.INC og WCMD_EXT2_DAN.INC indeholder de seneste forbedringer af TC's kommandobeskrivelser.
WCMD_EXT1_DAN.INI og WCMD_EXT2_DAN.INI er brugerkommando-filer, som bl.a. er nødvendige for brugerkommandoerne i "Windows XP" og "Hjælp" menupunkterne.
WCMD_EXT1_DAN.BAR og WCMD_EXT2_DAN.BAR er to knappaneler med de samme programmer som "Windows XP" menupunktet. WCMD_EXT3_DAN.BAR er et knappanel, som viser alle de interne kommandoer, der har et ikon i WCMICONS.DLL filen. Du kan skifte imellem knappanelerne via "Windows XP" menupunktet.
WCMD_EXT_DAN.ZIP er et selvinstallerende arkiv, der indeholder flere udvidelser til Total Commander:
1: Udvidet ikonsæt til TC (med 48x48 ikoner) (wciconex.dll, wciconex.inc).
2: Dansk modul til selvudpakkende ZIP-filer (sfxhead.sfx).
3. Engelsk HTML-hjælp til TC (wcmd_dan.chm).
4: Dansk standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
5: Udvidede filkommentarer til TC (descript.ion).
6: Mappeikon til TC (desktop.ini). Skrivebeskyt TC's programmappe for at se ikonet.
Du kan installere denne pakke fra Menuen: "Hjælp" -> "Installer udvidelser til Total Commander". Hvis filerne allerede eksisterer, vil du blive spurgt, om du ønsker at overskrive dem.
Hjemmeside 920 KB - Обновлен: 8.08.2008 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 8213 Hardcoded Danish version of the Mover wcx plugin.
Original plugin can be found at:
http://www.totalcmd.net/plugring/Mover.html 27 KB - Обновлен: 16.03.2008 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 5758 Hardcoded Danish version of the TC Quick Search Plus tool 160 KB - Обновлен: 14.03.2008 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 5881 Русификация к лучшему (IMHO) плагину для просмотра файлов изображений — Imagine. Отличием от существующих вариантов (включая вариант от Strike, распространяющийся в дистрибутиве Imagine) является несколько иная, на мой взгляд — более корректная терминология. 6 KB - Обновлен: 9.12.2007 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 9980 Deutsche Sprachdatei fuer das Plugin VisualDirSize. 1 KB - Обновлен: 18.10.2007 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 7080 Deutsche Sprachdatei fuer das Plugin decClipboardFS. - Einige Schluesselworte konnten nicht uebersetzt werden (z.B. in "Meta-Info"), weil viele dieser Eintraege keinen uebersetzbaren Punkt in der LNG-Datei haben. 2 KB - Обновлен: 18.10.2007 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 8009 Deutsche Sprachdatei fuer das Plugin SynUs.
Die Zuordnung zu den einzelnen Punkten ist im Plugin fehlerhaft programmiert und von den Autoren bis heute nicht korrigiert worden, daher bleiben einige Stellen unuebersetzt oder sogar unbeschriftet. Dies gilt auch fuer andere Sprachen wie z.B. englisch. Daran kann ich leider nichts aendern. 1 KB - Обновлен: 22.06.2007 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 6495 Deutsche Sprachdatei fuer das Plugin TTFviewer. 2 KB - Обновлен: 10.06.2007 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 7009 Deutsche Sprachdatei fuer das Plugin SynPlus 6 KB - Обновлен: 10.06.2007 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 7040 Deutsche Sprachdatei fuer das Plugin MAIL_WFX 2 KB - Обновлен: 10.06.2007 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 6723 Hardcoded German version of sfxhead.sfx for use when making selfextracting zip files with Total Commanders internal zip packer. With fix for Windows security update KB923191.
Translation: Sir_SiLvA 20 KB - Обновлен: 25.10.2006 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 7420 Hardcoded Danish version of sfxhead.sfx for use when making selfextracting zip files with Total Commanders internal zip packer. 21 KB - Обновлен: 24.10.2006 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 7536 Немецкий языковый файл для плагина ADO Data Sources.
Спасибо, Kurt Lettmaier 6 KB - Обновлен: 23.03.2006 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 7314 The file is available sorted according to:
- Subject (default)
- Description
- Name
- Number 21 KB - Обновлен: 16.02.2006 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 10071 Le fichier est disponible assorti selon:
- Suject (défaut)
- Description
- Nom
- Nombre 23 KB - Обновлен: 16.02.2006 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 8385 Die Datei ist vorhanden sortiert nachdem:
- Kategorie (standard)
- Beschreibung
- Name
- Nummer 23 KB - Обновлен: 16.02.2006 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 9732 Filen fås sorteret efter:
- Emne (standard)
- Beskrivelse
- Navn
- Nummer 21 KB - Обновлен: 16.02.2006 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 7969 Файлы поддержки языков для Vic plugman 10 KB - Обновлен: 2.02.2005 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 10715 This package contains Polish language file (with some corrections) and extended menu in Polish. 25 KB - Обновлен: 21.01.2005 - x32/x64 - Количество скачиваний: 10557 - Языковой файл. Собрано лучшее из существующих переводов.
- Расширенное меню. Небольшие перемещения/добавления для удобства использования.
Остальные возможности, такие как измененное меню, показанное на скриншоте, будут добавлены, как только будет выпущена первая не-beta версия плагина. 5 KB - Обновлен: 29.12.2004 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 15678 В поставку входят:
Wcmd_exp_eng.mnu - Расширенное английское меню для Total Commander 6.x;
Wcmd_exp_eng.lng - Английский файл языкового интерфейса для Total Commander 6.x с рядом замен и исправлений;
shortcuts.txt - Секция [Shortcuts] из файла wincmd.ini с назначенными дополнительными клавиатурными командами;
user.txt - Секция [User] из wincmd.ini с назначенными дополнительными внутренними командами;
filters.txt - Секции [Colors] и [Searches] из wincmd.ini (в качестве бонуса %);
FAQ.txt - ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы и детальная инструкция по созданию произвольных внутренних команд.
Основные особенности:
• Все команды заданны через номера, а не имена, что позволяет данному меню работать даже без TOTALCMD.INC.
• Все пункты меню имеют клавиши быстрого доступа.
• Для многих пунктов меню назначены дополнительные клавиатурные команды, также к меню добавлены дополнительные команды (например, доступ к системной папке "My Documents"). Для того, чтобы они работали, нужно добавить секции [Shortcuts] и [User] из файлов shortcuts.txt и user.txt в файл wincmd.ini (будет неплохой мыслью предварительно закрыть командир).
• Меню в основном рассчитано для работы под NT и основанными на ней системами.
• Это меню не построено по принципу обязательного наличия всех команд (я считаю, что подобный подход к вопросу бессмысленен и громоздок - в чем, например, смысл помещать туда команду cm_Copy? %), но оно содержит большинство из них.
• Я старался не переназначать существующие клавиатурные комбинации, единственное сделанное мной исключение - "F9"&"F10".
• Можно внести некоторые изменения/улучшения в интерфейс с помощью Wcmd_exp_eng.lng (добавлены акселераторы, меню "Start" повсеместно переименовано в "User", "Alt+X Quit" вместо "Alt+F4 Exit" и т.д.).
• Цветовые схемы фильтров включают временнУю схему "Кузница" от HuKO/\Au KOPOBuH (семь фильтров, от 1 минуты до 2 суток), "Фильтр для будущего" для быстрого обнаружения файлов с некорректной датой изменения, а также фильтры для файлов с атрибутами "Сжатые", "Только для чтения", фильтр для врЕменных файлов и т.д. 10 KB - Обновлен: 11.09.2004 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 21203 Оригинальный английский языковой файл, необходимый для переводчиков интерфейса Total Commander. 25 KB - Обновлен: 18.02.2004 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 11039 Расширенный перевод интерфейса, описаний внутренних команд и меню на украинский язык для Total Commander 6.0-го. В меню добавлено много новых команд. 23 KB - Обновлен: 7.12.2003 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 7999 Перевод интерфейса Total Commander на русский язык и расширенное русское меню (в меню находится намного больше команд чем в стандартной поставке) 50 KB - Обновлен: 20.11.2003 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 27696 Перевод справки к Total Commander 5.51 на русский язык 222 KB - Обновлен: 20.11.2003 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 30262 Перевод интерфейса и меню Total Commander на русский язык 35 KB - Обновлен: 18.11.2003 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 92376 Перевод интерфейса и меню на белорусский язык 21 KB - Обновлен: 18.11.2003 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 8026 Перевод интерфейса, описаний внутренних команд и меню на узбекский язык 24 KB - Обновлен: 18.11.2003 - x32 - Количество скачиваний: 7378